Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Radio Script

1. Unemployment:

Almost one million young people are unemployed, the latest national office figures have announced. The number of jobless 16-24 year olds lept by 66,000 in the three months of 2010 - the biggest unemployment slump since World War Two.
Of the 210,000 jobs created by the government last year, 82% were given to people born outside of the UK, mainly those from Eastern European nations.

End time: 0'26

2. Beggars:

The number of beggars in Winchester City Centre that are acting as buskers to get around County laws, is becoming a major problem. We spoke to PCSO Helen Carthew:

Audio clip Helen Carthew 0'25

3. Social Care:

Plans to increase the maximum weekly expensive for adults requiring domestic social care to 100% of their net income have been rejected by Hampshire County Council. The maximum charge will now remain at 95%. Similarly a proposal to charge the carers themselves was also rejected after a survey showed 75% of the public disagreed.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Radio News Bulletin

Here's the youtube link for my Radio News Bulletin, featuring reports on young unemployment levels, Winchester's problems with beggars and news on the Council's proposals to change its social benefit system.

Due to my technological ineptitude I also have one other story on the Winchester Tourism Boards nomination for a National award, which I will try to put up as soon as I can.

To hear the bulletin visit